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Hi Joel,

your plans are great.

On Thu, 2012-06-07 at 23:49 -0700, Joel Madero wrote:
With thousands of unknown bugs I think that this will help us divvy up
the work and prioritize a bit. After I do this phase I'll try to get
consensus on how to prioritize. Obviously security bugs and resource
leaks get highest, next I'm not sure but we can discuss this after.
Just a side note. Some proposals of bug priorities were discussed in
another thread, see:

My opinion is that some prioritization would be highly appreciated. 

In each case, we should not fight about each bug. The severity and
priority is just a helper information. It could motivate but it can't
force volunteers to work on the bugs. Too many comments that does not
bring any new information makes bugs less readable and worse to
handle :-)

Thanks for helping with sorting the bugs.

Best Regards,


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