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On Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:09:06 -0400, Felmon Davis wrote:

why not simply _insert_ the other documents into one and do one's

Whether using Tom's suggestion of drag-'n-drop or yours to 'Insert file', 
both would bee tedious when several files are often involved, but would 
usable in the occasional general case.

The particular requirement is for a routine search through the same 
set of files, with the requirement that the contents are the latest 
in each case, so for convenience it needs to be a pre-defined list.

It may be that the Master Document facility will allow me to have a 
document that permanently lists that set of files, and brings their 
contents in dynamically whenever the master document is opened.
  Will look further into that; I'm hoping that the contents of each file 
not frozen at the time when they are first inserted into the master.

  Thanks to all for pointing out so many options! Much appreciated...

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