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Hi Bandula,

On Thu, 2012-04-26 at 22:37 -0700, Bandula Rodrigo wrote:
Would like to suggest  a small feature that is used in ms xl. It
goes like this :
        This is not a suitable list for feature requests - it is for developers
discussing patches, fixes and questions about the code.

We are using libre office in more than 300 computers now. and no
complains. only this accounts people are complaining.
        So, for a successful large deployment it is recommended that you pay
for enterprise support - that has a couple of benefits: first you help
indirectly fund the improvement of LibreOffice, and because of that you
can get your specific feature requests and bugs dealt with. Faliing a
support contract, you could contract individual features with local
developers :-)

        All the best,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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