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Thanks for you reply.

On Sat, 31 Aug 2013 12:20:04 +0200
Michael Stahl <> wrote:

although as far as i vaguely remember the really "bad" system memory
allocators are in Windows XP and earlier; the Vista and newer allocators
are said to be much better.
It is a interesting things. I tried to watch memory usage on XP and 7,
And the output is a little different.

and i would suspect if LibreOffice requires more memory than MS Office
it is most likely not because of the memory allocator but because of
sub-optimal data structures in the application cores (plus some constant
overhead because LibreOffice is portable and thus needs more platform
abstraction layers).
From my inspection, VCL calls quite many malloc/free pair (in the face,
new() call of some objects). UI compornent on LibreOffice supported
many platform, so it woud be unavoidable.

i don't know why this does not work for the specific case of
soffice.bin, because i don't know what symbols are in the extra
libraries you link.  perhaps there are different calling conventions in
the jemalloc library and the soffice.bin objects or something like that,
so it still picks up the allocator symbols from msvcrt.lib.
Thank you your comment. I tested building avery small program with jemalloc,
and it seems fine. So I check build related things again.

this does not work on Windows because DLLs do not have a global symbol
namespace, their namespace is local to each DLL.  and every DLL knows
not only the name of an imported symbol, but also which other DLL it is
imported from.  so i think what you would need to do to replace the
memory allocator on Windows is to link _every_ DLL and executable
against your custom allocator.
Actually, I also tried to modify another link commands, almost passed
the build but cli_maker was not.

oh, and for quite a lot of classes in the code base a custom memory
allocator is used anyway due to overloading operator new for the
particular class, see include/tools/mempool.hxx and the underlying
rtl_cache API in include/rtl/alloc.h.  this implements a SLAB like
allocator which is used for the most-used classes and should be quite
efficient and reduce the fragmentation considerably.
Sounds good. 

So I understand that LibreOffice supports jemalloc in many Unix-like
systems but Windows is not. And many classes are used internal memory
allocator on Unicos and Windows.
Is this right?


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