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Hi Guys

Here in Venezuela I have a Dell PowerEdge 2950 server with 1TB of storage
and 8GB of RAM available if they want the problems can use the internet
connection as it is a bit slow 384kbps

2011/2/25 Marc Paré <>

Le 2011-02-24 16:26, Jeff Chimene a écrit :

Hi Marc:

As I mentioned with Tim: Rackspace will be at SCALE. I can approach them
about donating making a CloudFiles  donation. I'm sure there will be other
hosting services.

SCALE runs Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Friday is a setup day for exhibitors.
So, if you can get an answer from TDF re: hosting, I won't pursue this
option during the expo.


Hi Jeff:

Thanks for the help. Unless we hear otherwise, I would imagine that the SC
would have to discuss this at a meeting to approve it. There would obviously
be a delay of time.

The ideal would be for the TDF to recognize officially the DVD project and
then find space for the project on the TDF server(s) for the ISO.

Maybe you could still speak to Rackspace about this just in case there is a
problem with the space on the server, although, I imagine, that there would
be sufficient funds to purchase an additional server on the TDF side if
there was not enough space.



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