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Once again I find myself agreeing with you, on all fronts. I'm also keenly aware that I'm maxed out right now and must first get my db running (via java regression) then get some work done. Hours I don't have have been lost this morning trying to decide what to do about all this, and I must get something moving forward, immediately.
Will return.

Tom C

On 07/28/2011 12:02 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I think it's more a case of working on several fronts within TDF.
1.   joining the Steering-Discuss mailing list and promoting the cause there.
2.   working out a few large organisations that could put resources towards it.
What would they gain?  Canonical (of Ubuntu fame) and RedHat might reduce a
"blocker" that stops people from leaving Windows.  Google migth gain an
OpenSource database that they could adapt to add to their Cloud initiative,
Google-Docs.  All three would increase the level of support they could sell to
companies and perhaps even to individuals.  Support contracts are one of the
main money spinners in OpenSource.

3.  find places where devs are.  Preferably ones that are familiar with working
on database issues and see if we can encourage some to work on Base.  But they
would have to be happy about releasing the code under copy-left rather than
copyright agreements to keep things OpenSource.  There might be other OpenSource
programs that rely on Base in some way that might be willing to encourage some
of their devs to take the opportunity to steer things in a useful direction for
their needs.

Errr, some of these ideas might be daft and i am very likely missing some other
positive directions.  As for the press it's better if outsiders see TDF in a
positive light so that people are attracted to the quagmire that is Base and
pleased to join in and fix it.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Tom Cloyd<>
Sent: Thu, 28 July, 2011 18:16:57
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base record access unacceptably slow

I'm up for it! (Love that quote!)

Maybe leaking this issue to the press would get some attention??

Tom C.

On 07/28/2011 10:29 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I agree too but i think we have to agitate to get something done.  So far the
only response i got was an unhelpful RMS quote.  I have a Gandhi one  "First
they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.".
Which means we have all 4 steps to work through but since some fairly major
companies would benefit it might be possible to get through most of those
quite fast.

Could TDF join
Would that help?

TDF is not the type of organisation where we wait to see what "they" do.  It's
up to us to work out what we need and from who and go get it.
Regards from
Tom :)

From: Tom Cloyd<>
Sent: Thu, 28 July, 2011 17:06:15
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base record access unacceptably slow


I completely agree. LO without a function Base won't fly. Either TDF
this - by DOING something - or we have our answer.


On 07/28/2011 05:08 AM, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:
Hallo Andreas,
In my view, BASE "falling apart" would mean LO's "death sentence" in the long
run! Anybody in even the simplest business environment will want to write
documents based on data stored in business-critical databases (and I think I
am right in assumung that relational DBs have been the standard now for
Does anybody REALLY think that a package like LO can survive if it ignores
such an important sector of users? I sure don't!!!
Gruesse aus Salzburg

On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 12:18:49 +0200, Andreas Säger<>
Am 28.07.2011 08:15, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:
I am not giving up hope yet for LO 3.4.2 - especially since it targets
Isn't there a OpenSource fork of MySQL called MariaDB?!?

Dear Heinrich,

Face it: There is not a single LO developer doing anything Base related.
The Base component will fall apart sooner or later. Writer's mail merge
and bibliography will be spreadsheets, form controls will be mere
gimmicks and nobody except you and me and some hundreds of professionals
will notice the severe loss.

Grüße aus NRW,

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