On 04/13/2015 12:30 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
They prefer to have everything
from August waaay before anything from March.
Another thing that adds to the "fun" is the 12 hour clock, so that 12:59
AM is before 1:00 AM. Of course, another bit of nonsense is 12 AM or
PM. The precise moment of 12:00 is neither AM nor PM. It is the
boundary between the two. So, the correct terms are 12 noon or 12
midnight, if you insist on sticking with the 12 hour clock. The better
method is to use the 24 hour clock. This also brings the benefit of,
when used with the ISO date format, the digits are listed in order of
descending value, going from left to right. This makes sorting on date
& time much easier and allows for no ambiguity.
For example, I am posting this at 2005 04 13 12:37. There is absolutely
no doubt as to when that is.
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- [libreoffice-users] Re: converting txt to dates (continued)
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