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On 2011-05-05 20:30, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
My ex-ex-ex-ex... boss used to use boxes.  People often have trouble adding 
pictures into documents [sighs] and he would teach them his way.  I would look 
at him in horror and show the better way and then the next time he would show 
his way again.  Perhaps he released a video recently lol

A local VJ has hired a secretary and wanted me to show her how to add pictures 
because she had no idea, not even a bad idea, of how to do it.  Often 
secretaries have many tricks and knowledge of complex issues in document 
creation but bosses have a way of ignoring their skills. 

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Gordon Burgess-Parker <>
Sent: Thu, 5 May, 2011 8:34:41
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] .docx can't be read

On 05/05/2011 08:31, Dotan Cohen wrote:
Are you suggesting that LO/OOo will not display images in a text box,
but that is a valid MSO docx feature?
It would appear so.

Stupid or not, that is how people are creating
I have to say it's the first time I've ever seen a document like that and I've 
been using MS Office and OO/LO for a long time!
The only possibility I can think of is that the document is actually a scanned 
image rather than a created document...

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I just tried google docs with my faulty .docx. Google .docx imports were
quite good at one time, but even all that might can't manage my .docx.
I'm betting the format has changed to thwart competitors efforts at

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