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I'm in the process of converting just the binary version of moz to gbuild right now.

-----Original Message----- From: David Ostrovsky
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 5:53 AM
To: Stephan Bergmann
Cc: ; libreoffice
Subject: Re: moz module gbuildification?

On 02/20/2013, Stephan Bergmann wrote:

So my take is that it would be worthwhile nevertheless to get moz
converted to gbuild now, and see dmake/ removed soon.
the question is *what* should be gbuildified to see dmake/ removed.
My understanding is, that we have two different moz operation modes:
prebuilt and native compilation from patched seamonkey 1.8 source tree.

It seems that native compilation was broken in this commit: [1]
BUILD_MOZAB was removed in
and under moz/donwload is missing.

But even after fixing that and downloading and copying
manually to the right location
and trying to compile it with the --with-visual-studio=2008 option i am
still getting that failure:

configure: error: This version of the MSVC compiler, 15.00.30729 , is

which bring us to the fact [2] that we apparently need MSVC 7.1 (or
earlier?) to compile seamonkey 1.8, that we don't support anyway.

Having said that I suggest to drop native compilation mode (i. e. all
sources, patches, etc.) and only partially gbuildify moz module:
prebuilt seamonkey mode, to be able to include binaries in release build.

I checked released installation on windows: thunderbird address
book is working,
without be able to compile it in 4.0.0 tree, so we don't need the native
compilation mode
(that is broken) to produce release build anyway. In fact no one even
mentioned it.




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