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On 02/21/2012 10:13 PM, Georges gMail wrote:
Le 2012-02-21 14:49, drew a écrit :
That time again:

Anyone planning on attending - setting up a table - etc?



I do hope to be at LinuxFest Northwest but will be there as part of the delegation from VanLUG (BC). There was a good LibreOffice presence last year and I hope for even better this year.

Maybe someone would burn a few copies of the "NA-DVD" I sent Eric.

I had to fix an issue with the portable file link with the first one I sent to Drew, but Eric Christian has the most up-to-date one, which was uploaded last night.
Since this DVD had Windows, Linux, and MacOSX installs of 3.4.5, and the 
documentation, extensions, templates, artwork/galleries, etc., it might 
be a good one to have a few copies around.  I know it is LinuxFest, but 
I bet some visitors might want to have a DVD that has Windows on it for 
their boss[es] to look at or their non-Linux friends.
Being nearly housebound with my injuries, and on a fixed disability 
income, I cannot go to such an event, even though I would love to.  I 
would love it to know that the North American Community DVD was there, 
even if it was only a few copies.
I bet someone could do a nice bit of artwork for the label for the 
event, and if a 3.5.x version gets ready for "business use" before then, 
someone [me maybe] could update the install folder and HTML file to 
reflect that version of LO.

I loved working at the tables of the railroad related "fests" before my second stroke and my doctor telling me working these tables was too stressful for me. I use to sell items for a railroad historical society and some railroad related DVD that I made for the events. I miss doing those "fests" and would love to be able to do one for LO in my area, if I could get there with my wheelchair.

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