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On Tue, 2014-06-10 at 18:38 +0000, Faisal M. Alotaibi wrote:
Hi all,

we want to add KACST font to LibreOffice, and become a default font
for Arabic.
These are two different things really. Changing the default font for
Arabic as one, and bundling it as another. IMO changing the default font
is fairly easy and not troublesome, so add the entry in to the VCL.xcu
at the start of the list for the affected languages.

So if it's ok to add it
The bundling is a potential pain, in the sense that we don't have any
sort of policy about bundling fonts and I'm always a little worried that
we'll end up with multiple gigs of font files bundled into LibreOffice
to support a gadzillion languages.

So, a while back I made an effort of a list of the top 10 most written
languages at the top of this configuration file
So I suggest a starting policy that bundling fonts for the "big ten" is
ok and non-contentious, and Arabic is of course in that list, so
bundling the Kacst fonts would be fine.

what we need to do to the fonts before added to libreoffice?
Suitably licensed I suppose for a start, what is the license for the
fonts ? Technically then it's follow the examples in external/more_fonts



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