My name is Pappu Kumar. I'm in the Fourth year of my pursuing Degree
(B.Tech) in Information technology.
I have been using Libre on my laptop ever since I got it. I love using
it,given that it is so efficient and effective at getting the work
done. Being a regular and grateful user, I plan on giving back to the
open source community to the best of my capacity.
I would like to contribute to the project "Supprot Multicoloured font
format" of LibreOffice. I have intermediate level C++ but my intention
to learn whatever is required to be able to make a meaningful
Guidance Reqired
I also go through some open source project that already working on the
but I have some question regarding the project:-
1) We have to develop our own library or we can use some existing library.
Please give some reference link or books if any.
Thanks and Regards,
*Pappu Kumar*
*B.Tech (IT & Mathematical innovations)*
*Cluster Innovation Centre*
*University of Delhi*
*Mob no.-7533093834, 9971083757*
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