Friedrich Strohmaier wrote on 2012-08-13 15:21:
- what was the final push to do this change*right now*?
- what were the thoughts to do the change*this way*?
- what was the criteria of balancing the effects between change and no
change (not the ones*this* behaviour or*that* behaviour)?
that's easy.
I right now work basically full time for TDF, but I really have to work
on my "real" life. Spending hours per day on TDF doesn't allow too much
other real life, so a change here is needed. Urgently. I didn't have any
free weekend for months. When I tried to involve others, especially
developers, I (too) often heard the argument that they don't follow the
lists because of their respective configuration. However, if you don't
want to burn me, we *urgently* need to get more people involved, since
my day only has 24 hours, and I also need to work on some some other
things besides TDF.
It simply is a try if people now, that the change has been done, indeed
would jump on the lists, or if this was a false argument. Discussion
lead to nowhere, and even now, we receive very contrary feedback - some
people hate the change, others are in full favor of it. So, indeed,
discussing it over and over again doesn't change anything, and IMHO, the
best way to give it a try is by doing it.
Call it selfish, but if you spend hours a day working on TDF matters,
and you hear the argument that people would do much more if the lists
were configured the right way - would you give it a try? Discussing does
not help me in any way...
Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
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- Re: [tdf-discuss] Reply settings on this list have changed (continued)
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