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On 9/23/13 9:38 AM, Florian Reisinger wrote:

Just a small question: Can I take an Urban ticket for this?? The english pages says:

"Validity: 90 minutes after stamping. Valid for a single journey on the
underground or rail network, including the urban rail lines of Trenord
and the 'Passante Ferroviario' (Urban Railway Network)."
Bus are included in urban tickets.

IMHO this would not include the bus... --> One day ticket??
And: I do need a luggage ticket - right?? (for arriving)
If you have a small luggage (those accepted on board of low cost
airlines) you do not need a luggage ticket.

Italo Vignoli -
mob +39.348.5653829 - sip/jabber
skype italovignoli - hangout/jabber

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