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On 03/04/2014 02:05 PM, Caolán McNamara wrote:
On Mon, 2014-03-03 at 20:36 +0100, Andreas Mantke wrote:
Hi Stephan,

Am 03.03.2014 12:02, schrieb Stephan Bergmann:
On 03/02/2014 05:45 PM, Andreas Mantke wrote:
I build LibreOffice from the current master on my openSuSE 12.3-x64 and
the Writer wizzards don't run anymore.
Fixed with
"Wizards should look for templates in Template_internal, not
Hmm, is the order of nodes under the Template Internal Paths not
actually retained by configmgr ? Looks like they are put into a map with
an OUString key ?, i.e. wizards can't guarantee that the "common"
element will really be the first entry even though "common" is placed
first in the .xcu
Right, /org.openoffice.Office.Paths/Template/InternalPaths is a set, and 
the order in which its elements are reported by configmgr is 
unspecified.  Still, at least the two elements given in 
<node oor:name="$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/template/common" oor:op="fuse"/>
<node oor:name="$(insturl)/@LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER@/template/$(vlang)" oor:op="fuse"/>
would both result in the same effective path generated via

sLetterPath = self.sTemplatePath + "/../common/wizard/letter"
(wizards/com/sun/star/wizards/letter/, so I'm 
still not sure what is broken for Andreas.  (But 
"actively search for wizards dir in all internal templates" is surely an 
improvement in any event.)


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