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Le 13/09/2011 14:01, Caolán McNamara a écrit :
On Tue, 2011-08-23 at 22:46 +0200, Julien Nabet wrote:
I put the patch as it is now. (i haven't git updated my libo repository
since 2 days).
In addition of this patch, there are the 2 png files.
FWIW, the opensymbol font is available in extras/source/truetype the
source .sfd is available if you wanted to e.g. use fontforge to edit it
to play with adding a 0x2204 to it


Just to say I commited and pushed the files on master for this task.

Now it needs  :
- testing on different platforms (I've only a PC Debian Linux platform to test) - to discuss about copyright/version of OpenSymbol (I haven't updated neither the version - 2.1 - nor the copyright - Sun ) - to discuss about the fact it doesn't work if you've other version of OpenSymbol (for example, I had the Debian package OpenSymbol and it didn't worked until I uninstalled it)

PS : special thanks to Andras for his great help on IRC :-) BTW I succeeded in generating the font with Fontforge so I must have done some mistake.


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