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Hi :)
I think you just use the tab key to indent to the net layer of

Unfortunately the default seems to be that levels 1-10 use the same
bullets/numbering system.  So, as 'Anne' (can the name really be
shortened?) go up to

Format - "Bullets and Numbering" - Customise

and set something different for each level to move the selected line in the
dialogue-box away from the default 1-10.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 9 June 2014 22:13, Steve Edmonds <> wrote:

Can't find a way to demote/promote numbered list items in 4.1.6 either.

On 2014-06-10 02:47, Skip Montanaro wrote:

I'm a brand new user of Impress. My first slide has me completely
baffled. How do you create a nested bullet list? Pressing TAB just
indents to the next tab stop. The demote and promote icons in the
toolbar are greyed out. The tooltip says Alt+Shift+Right demotes.
Alas, that is bound to some fvwm command that moves me to the
adjacent virtual desktop.

How do I create indented bullet lists? My platform is openSuSE
12.2. About says "3.5:build-413". I'm willing to accept that I
probably don't have the latest up-to-datest version, but this
seems like really basic functionality that one would expect to
just work, not something esoteric or bleeding edge, that might
be expected to still have rough edges.


Skip Montanaro

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