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Cor Nouws wrote:
Hi David,

djfw wrote (07-06-11 20:41)

I have also had a good look in the /opt/libreoffice/ directories and
that maybe one of the .......rc files might be the place for a directory
pointer.  I have seen several that refer to TMP directories but I have no
idea which rc file would be appropriate or it's exact directive format. 
other option is the startup shell scripts, but I haven't been able to
identify which one is for Manager.
Brave questions :-)
I think you have to start here..
and then consult developers.

Yep, that's where you lose me.  I am not a contemporary programmer... C
and C++ are beyond me.  I saw a couple of potential items, but don't know
enough about the language to competently understand what I am looking at. 
I did post a question to the doc list.

But pls before posting to their list ... read this page

If I can't get it sorted without posting to the devs, I'll drop the issue.

Either of you two (or anyone else) know
where there may be doco on the libreoffice rc files and / or the shell
scripts?  Is it possible that it could be an option when starting from
command line?  Know of any doco on CL for LO?
Check out these:

Had a look at that and the best chance appears to be:
-userid=<path to user configuration>  Start the Office using the provided
user installation folder. DEPRECATED 
....?  SO not so good.

I take your point about testing 3.4 and helping with the QA on that. 
look into it if it comes to that!
great, thanks for that,

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  - Cor

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