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I worked for the same corporation for 34 years - about the 2nd half of that in Training & 
Development. Our corporate "standard" was MS Office Pro, which if we used it at work, we had a free 
copy at home. Up until about the last year or so of that career I had used everything, except 
Access. I had just started trying to learn it when I took an excellent early retirement package. 
And, it has been the same thing with OO & now LO - I still haven't gotten into Base. But from what 
I knew about Access, you are probably right that putting it into Base is an excellent option at 
this point. So . . . maybe I'll jump in see what I can do with it.

Hi :)
These mails go out to a lot of people and are stored in archives for years but
you are all good so far.  With 500 people i would move it to a proper database,
Base, rather than keep it on spreadsheets.

The spreadsheet sheet that you have already can be the main table.  Base can
read it without doing much to it.  Then instead of using a 2nd sheet use a
"Query".  The formulas are almost exactly the same and it ends up looking like a
table anyway.  When you are more comfortable with Base then you can do fancy
forms and mail-merges, labels and stuff to make a prettier tables, or for
letters, "id badges" and stuff.

Regards from
Tom :)

----- Original Message ----
From: Roxy Robinson <>
Sent: Sat, 11 June, 2011 18:59:53
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Merge cell problem LO3.3.2.2

Thanks for your suggestions - I guess I will have to try that since I'm  not
getting what I want with what I'm doing.
This is "off" the subject issue,  but I come from a very small town. My high
school class - 1961 -  was the  first to got over 50. We had 60 in the class, 55
who "walked" on graduation  night. The other 5 finished in summer school. The
classes continued to grow  after that, though I don't think they ever went over
100; and are probably  running around 70-75 now, if not less.
I just finished organizing my class's  50th reunion and am now putting together
a reunion for the classes of 1955-1964.  The total number of students during
that period is, according to my spreadsheet,  500. I dare say, I knew, and
remember about 490 of those, along with quite a few  others from the classes
before and after. We were all like one big family - you  usually knew whole
families because you knew someone in your class, or within 2  or 3 years of your
class. Your classmates were, essentially, your group of  friends.
Anyway, every class in this group has, in some format, a database of  their
classmates and their information. Each class has a few that have gone  "missing
in action", but we are all working together to find everyone. This will  be the
4th, I think, combined reunion like this over the past 50 years, and this
combined database is something that got started after the first one. But, it has
not been updated since the last reunion in 1997. Every classmate - there are a
few exceptions - has given there info to freely share with everyone. And
everyone at this reunion will receive a copy of this spreadsheet I'm working

Hi :)

I did something similar once.  It's easier  to keep the data intact, in the 3
separate columns for data entry and for  sorting the lists into alphabetical
order and stuff but then use a 2nd  worksheet (2nd tab at the bottom) to use
formulas to add the 3 names  together. eg
A2 = Sheet1.A2 & " " & Sheet1.B2 & " " & Sheet1.C2
You might have renamed the worksheet tabs so just swap the new name  for
but still make sure there is a dot . after it and before the  cell address.

There are issues with "Data Protection" and respecting  people's right to
but if they have given you their addresses and know  that it's for sharing
the whole class then that sort-of implies that  they have given you
I'm not sure wheter it's legally enough but  it probably gives you a good
Good luck and regards from
Tom  :)

----- Original Message ----
From: Roxy Robinson <>
Sent: Sat, 11 June, 2011 15:51:55
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Merge  cell problem LO3.3.2.2

I have a 15 page spreadsheet of classmate  addresses, phone numbers, email,
I "manipulate" this information in  several different ways to give my
different kinds of  "directories". Anyway, their names are in the first 3
columns. This  particular spreadsheet is going to include ALL the information
each  person, will be printed on legal sized paper in landscape format, so I
a little more room to contain everything on the width of the  page.
So  (SEVERAL TIMES) I have merged the cells in the first 3  columns. This
contains  the parts of their names, and allows me to  conserve enough room to
everything on the width of the page. But  every time I close LO, and then
back to work on this spreadsheet,  the cells are no longer "merged". They
not stay merged. I haven't  gotten all the way through the spreadsheet - at
time - to merge the  cells. Would the "un-merged" cells that are left in the
columns keep  the ones above them from staying merged, or am I doing
wrong? I  just don't understand - time after time - I merge them, come back
they are no long merged??????????

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