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On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 11:59 AM, Tor Lillqvist <> wrote:
While I agree this is a great idea, would it be hard to make it a bit less verbose?

I.e, instead of

   ### call $(gb_Library_set_include) -->
   ### arg 0 for call $(gb_Library_set_include) is 'gb_Library_set_include'
   ### arg 1 for call $(gb_Library_set_include) is 'msword'
   ### arg 2 for call $(gb_Library_set_include) is '
-I/lo/libo/clone/writer/sw/inc/pch -I/lo/libo/clone/writer/sw/inc
-I/lo/libo/solver/340/ $(INCLUDE)
-I/lo/libo/solver/340/ '
Perhaps just put it all on a single line, with newlines in arguments represented as \n, and long 
arguments just truncated at some suitably shortish length? Something like:

   ### $(gb_Library_set_include 'gb_Library_set_include'. 'msword', 
But yeah, this is bikeshedding, certainly already what you have will be of great help in 
debugging gbuild issues.
There are 2 reasons I did not do that

1/ readability. sometimes each individual argument is quite long and
complex in it's own right and contain ','  and there can be sometime 6
or more such argument in one call. Parsing the arguments boundary
could be painful.

2/ trying to keep the patch a simple and non-intrusive as I could.
that is: do not add more loops than there already is and do _not_ do
any extra allocation/copy/free (which prevent for instance
substituting actual \n with "\\n" )



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