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On 05/12/2011 02:28 PM, C. Olofson wrote:
On 05/12/2011 06:21 AM, Carl Symons wrote:
I'd like to see more attention to "North American Community - what?
(Remainder of time)"...
But what about elsewhere? What's happening with LibreOffice NA
marketing? This question should be central and revisited if only
briefly at each of these meetings.

I agree that it's a good idea to define LibO NA Marketing sooner than later.
Would the DVD project fall, more or less, under the "marketing 
collateral" umbrella?  If that's the case, we can step back and sketch 
out the whole collateral effort.
Apart from that and, as Carl suggests, a discussion regarding the NA 
community, I'd also like to understand where the product is going and 
how that should inform LibO NA Marketing.

Well if you go to LibreOffice-NA.US, you will see what our project is working on. We are part of the NA market since we are creating a distribution DVD for it.
We are working on the insert for the DVD case [like you find in a movie 
DVD]  We are doing all those finalizing details for our first "publication".
We are working on a Spanish language version, with a French version to 
come as well.  Later, the English, Spanish, and French versions will be 
combined into one DVD [or set]  so you will be able to use it in any of 
the three languages and switch languages back and  forth at the page level.
I was looking at a pricing for the insert and it will cost about $1.20 
each for full color [about 30 cents for B&W], with glossy paper [they do 
not stock plain paper].  Then I need to try to borrow a CD/DVD media  
printing Inkjet printer and get printable media, to be used instead of 
paper labels.  I will look into having some of the case covers printed 
at the same time.  I would think 2 or 3 dozen would be enough to start 
for my handout needs.
Maybe, once we get the insert and such "finished" and posted online with 
a link to the Win/Linux/Mac ISO [and later the Win-only ISO], people who 
are attending any NA events might bring a few copies of our DVD along so 
it could be given out to, and evaluated by, the people who attend those 
events. If my hosting service would allow ISOs on its servers, I would 
have the DVD ISO files online and linked already.
Actually, I will be taking a copy of the DVD over to my local printing 
business, since he knew a little about OOo but nothing about 
LibreOffice.  He loved the price of "free".
One day, if we can get it done, I would like to offer a professional 
made version of the DVD made by some print-on-demand service like  Then anyone can order a copy of the DVD for themselves, 
instead of downloading the ISO and doing all the rest.  OOo use to have 
people that offered a service of providing a disc to those who did not 
have the bandwidth, or access speed, do download the software.  Last 
time I looked, very few now offer that type of service.  Still, we 
should consider something like that for those who would like to have a 
copy of LibreOffice, but cannot get it due to dial-up access or some 
other issue.  Plus, many businesses would rather have a professional 
looking DVD and case for them to use for installation of the software, 
no matter how good the software may be.
So for the NA market, the NA Community DVD Project is 99% ready for its 
first "publication" of our DVD.  It would be nice to have others in the 
NA region look into using it, since we have gone to all that trouble to 
make the best package we could come up with for our region of the globe.

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