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I know this is not the right place for bugs, but I am definitely not the right person to handle a bug warning ;-)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        LibreOffice 3.4.0 ,DEV300m103 (Build:4)
Date:   Fri, 13 May 2011 15:50:16 +0200
From:   Jean-Paul Ghys <>
To:     Italo Vignoli <>

Sorry to send you to bother you with this. But I can't find where to
send my comments when using a Beta 3.4 version.

- Table formats are lost if document is saved in Word 97 format.

Best regards and many thanks to all of you for this wonderful LibreOffice.

Jean-Paul Ghys

Italo Vignoli
mobile +39.348.5653829
VoIP +39.02.320621813
skype italovignoli


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