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Hi Kohei, all!

Am Montag, den 06.12.2010, 10:38 -0500 schrieb Kohei Yoshida:
On Sun, 2010-12-05 at 01:22 +0100, Christoph Noack wrote:
(Note: This mail is cross-posted to both libreoffice@... and design@...)

Hi all,

just a short question - is there anybody of you (developers) on the
Design mailing list as well?
I'm on the design list too, but I admit I don't follow the discussions
there too closely.
Oh, nice to see you here (or there, depends on the point-of-view) -
that's great. The same is true for me with regard to the developers
list. But sometimes it is just helpful for some eyes looking at what's
going on in general - from time to time it might be hard to guess when
it is time to explicitly involve development.

@ Design Team: It would also be great if some guys could have a look at
the topics at the libreoffice@... list. If some more (pairs of) eyes
have a look at the mails, the lower the risk for missing an important
topic. Personally, I do enjoy the discussion here as well :-)

 I'm curious, because people (there) start
to discuss ideas and sometimes it would be great to get instant feedback
on the effort, technical issues, ... another point-of-view.
If it involves something in my area of expertise, then please put me in
CC to alert my attention.  If unsure who the domain expert is, putting
the developer list in CC is what I would recommend (or prod us directly
on the dev list).
Great, thanks!



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