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In fact there is 
that can be used. 
I strongly oppose.

That file makes exactly the kind of "political" choices that very many people will find at least 
odd, awkward, and at worst interpret as signs of some hidden agenda and cultural imperialism.

For instance, I find it a bit odd that a Finnish dictionary would not be included (in a "quick" 
install) if I in Finland install LibreOffice, just because if I happen to be running a Swedish (my 
native language) localisation of Windows. I live in Finland and know and use Finnish daily.

So a Swedish UI should then imply including a Finnish dictionary, right?  (The Swedes in Sweden 
might wonder a bit, but probably wouldn't mind.) And surely then also a Finnish UI should imply 
including a Swedish dictionary, as legally speaking both languages have equal status here.

But on the other hand, especially among the majority language (Finnish) speakers here some are very 
antagonistic to the minority language, and that would then piss many of them off, "LibreOffice is 
clearly in favour if pakkoruotsi (google for it), screw them, I'll start a boycott group on 
Facebook!". Etc, you get the point, and Finland is a very peaceful country and (hopefully) only a 
small minority have these strong opinions. I can imagine the reactions among more hot-blooded 
youths elsewhere.

And do we *really* want to imply than American English is needed by everyone? Why not British 
English? Shouldn't we here in Europe at least be writing in British English?

And should we really take the stand that German is needed in many European countries, but certainly 
not in France (that sounds almost like joking about people's prejudices, doesn't it) or Britain for 

Better to not try to make any automatic guesstimates here, and just install all the available 
dictionaries, if the person running the installer can't be bothered to do a custom installation and 
select dictionaries explicitly him/herself.



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