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Changed the auto-save setting, and that hasn't helped. Closed out all other open documents. No change.
I wonder if it is an interaction problem with the LibreOffice Mendeley 
Does anyone else use Mendeley Desktop reference management software v. 
1.12.4 with LibO If so - can this lag be replicated? Not sure 
if this is a LibO or a Mendeley issue at this point.
Thanks for any ideas.


On 08/01/15 17:43, Sun Shine wrote:
Thanks all - I've changed the auto-save time and will see if that has any effect.
Best wishes


On 08/01/15 17:35, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)

Tools - Options - "Load/Save" - General

Then about half-way down the default is to save every 15mins. You
might find it helps to make it half-hourly or so.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

On 8 January 2015 at 15:17, Rob Jasper <> wrote:
Now you mention it.. I've had this both on my slow PC and on my Mac.
However, I now realize that since I changed my disk for a SSD I never had it again (even while working on a very old Mac: 24 ", end 2006, 2,16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo)

Op 8 jan. 2015, om 16:09 heeft Oogie McGuire het volgende geschreven:

It might be due to how often LO is doing a backup of your text. With a large document it can take a while. I've had that happen to me too on all revisions of LO on a Mac with large documents. I just got used to it. I figured I'd use it as a way to take a break, look away from the screen and stretch my fingers.
Perhaps there is a setting you can change to make the timing 
different or turn it off? I don't know abut that I never bothered 
to look for it. I've used the emergency recovery feature too often 
to turn off the automatic saving that happens occasionally.

Eugenie (Oogie) McGuire
Desert Weyr, LLC - Black Welsh Mountain Sheep
LambTracker - Open Source SW for Shepherds
Paonia, CO USA

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