On 10/12/2010 20:09, Benjamin Horst wrote:
So, I'm currently discussing it with Pierre-Yves as they have a
project to deliver content directly to the Francophone countries.
There is also some initiatives that may be used for sponsoring see
>and more generally the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.
>But I'll update the progress on our FR lists.
Does the above link refer to possible grants from a government or
foundation? Something that could help cover the costs of distribution
by CD, DVD or other media? If so, that is a very promising avenue to
Yes, it's a kind of foundation, it will need some work and we shouldn't
take it for granted, but it's a very interesting possibility to bring
software and contents where it's very difficult to get it. It has to be
dedicated to education, peace, women education, etc.
In any case, the idea of sponsorships for free CDs mailed to new
users is worth considering. Perhaps sponsors would ask to advertise
on the exterior of the case the media is shipped within, in exchange
for covering the cost? (Netflix envelopes all include ads inside the
package, which must help defray their operating costs.)
Yes, may be, and I like that we consider it when possible.
Kind regards
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- [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Regional LibO CD/DVD fulfillment (continued)
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