On Mon, 2012-02-13 at 13:31 +0200, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
Do we really need to keep "analysis" and "date" as separate shared
libraries ?
Ho hum; well - they are not used at calc startup, but they are at
document load - as soon as you start to enter a formula they are loaded,
and if you load a non-trivial calc document (ie. not just a
time-empty-doc-creation) they are loaded too.
Would it be OK to move their source code over to the "sc"
module, and merge their objects into the "sc" library, and their
.component files into sc.component?
They could certainly both be merged together into a libscaddins or
somesuch; but I'd say in a 'merged' world, we'd want them all inside a
'libsc' I think.
Probably the code that refers to them could be simplified a bit then,
too, but that I don't know how to do.
The whole idea of doing that UNO de-coupling there is somewhat strange,
but I guess it provides a template for others that want to do that, and
prolly those fn's are not performance criticial.
michael.meeks@suse.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
- Re: OK to get rid of scaddins? (continued)
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