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On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 3:23 AM, Stephan Bergmann <> wrote:
On 10/16/2015 11:40 PM, Robinson Tryon wrote:
A big thanks to everyone who's been helping us out with bibisection of
regressions, and a hearty congratulations to Terrence Enger for being
the lucky one to perform the 1000th one (and the 1001st one, too)!

A reminder when updating a bug with information about a successful
bibisecting:  Do not only paste the commit message of the first bad bibisect
repo commit, but:  "please [also] provide either the commit message of the
(last good) commit in the bibisect repo directly preceding this [first bad]
commit, or at least the URL of the bibisect repo (so I can determine that
preceding commit myself).  (Individual commits in bibisect repos often
correspond to a range of source commits, so it is always important to know
that full range.)"
on Mac and Windows bibisect, the bibisect commit list all the source
commit sha since the previous bibisect commit,
hence solving that problem.



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