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Bingo!!!!  That solved it.  Run with sudo, not as root.

Thank you


On Saturday, September 01, 2012 11:26:19 PM you wrote:

On Sat, 1 Sep 2012, rcdawson wrote: 

I attempted to run spad min as follows: 

I found the directory containing spadmin. 
I changed into that directory  "./spadmin". 
The result was to return four lines, each reading "No protocol specified". 
ok, I don't have an answer. 

I can generate a similar error switching to root using 

su - 

since display environment is not set up to present it for root (and 
the error I get mentions the X display). 

if I do 

sudo opt/openoffice.org3/program/spadmin 

it works; also there is a handy little program called 'sux' which 
carries the X environment over when you become root. 

but this may not be the cause. perhaps someone else has a better 


On Friday, August 31, 2012 09:47:10 PM you wrote: 

On Thu, 30 Aug 2012, rcdawson wrote: 

It would be nice to know why spadmin doesn't run, however. 
I was never sure what command you used. 


From: Felmon Davis <[hidden email]> 
To: Tom <[hidden email]> 
Cc: [hidden email] 
Sent: Wednesday, 29 August 2012, 18:03 
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: spadmin fails to run 

On Wed, 29 Aug 2012, Tom wrote: 

Hi :) 
Sorry for the late response! 

An 'obvious' way to get a little bit more information about any unix-
command is to add the tag "-h" or "--help" after the command.  In this 
it would be something like: 

spadmin -h 


spadmin --help 

It's just a quick-help, "cheat sheet".  There is a lot more info in the 
manual which you can access using the "man" command (seems a little 
but it's really just short for manual).  So, try 

man spadmin 
my understanding is that the OP (you have deleted the original post) 
getting it to run at all. 
he had a funny sign in front of the command which I thought might be an 
artifact produced by his email. he should be sure to invoke the command as 

assuming he is in the same directory or give the whole path (without the 
leading dot). 
Hmmm, i don't have spadmin installed on my machine so i got nothing from 
either of those commands. 
I have it but it seems to belong to openoffice in my case (on this machine) 
seems to require 'sudo' to invoke it as it's owned by root. 
Regards from 
Tom :) 
regards to you too! 


-- Felmon Davis 

Everything in the world may be endured except continual prosperity.  -- 
Johann von Goethe 

Felmon Davis 

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