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Hi :)
Sorry!  I though Bluefish WAS a wysiwyg editor :(  I've just done a search
in my app-store/package-manager and found that tinymce claims to be a
wysiwyg editor.

I tend to use Joomla to directly edit my (well, my bosses) company's
website.  That had a built-in wysiwyg editor (tinymce as it happens) but i
prefer to work on the html itself so i switched to a plain-text editor.
Drupal does something similar.  Both are probably over-kill for what you
are looking for.  They kinda replace Dreamweaver in many ways although
Dreamweaver can be plugged in as a front-end to make it easier to do some
things.  Wordpress probably does the same thing but even though it's
supposedly much simpler it's still probably overkill.

What is the broader context for this?  Do you have a web-facing website (ie
one that anyone can access over the internet) or an internal website that
can only be accessed over an internal LAN such as within a company?  Is the
website hosted by a web-hosting company such as JustHosts or 1and1 or
someone?  Most have a "1 click installer" for  Joomla, Drupal and Wordpress
but it still takes quite a bit to figure out how to use such programs.  If
the site is hosted on your own or your company servers then installing
Joomla, Drupal or Wordpress can be a bit tricky.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 19 September 2014 11:14, Alexander Thurgood <>

Le 19/09/2014 01:07, Hal Vaughan a écrit :

Hi Hal,

Overall, yes as Alex says, LibreOffice, as an HTML editor, is crippled.
At some point I have a question on another issue I want to post relating to
the HTML editor and how converting to HTML can seriously mung the whole
layout of an ODT document.  (But that’s a whole separate issue.)
Unfortunately, Dreamweaver has the market and I don’t want to spend a ton
(or, as it is now, a monthly subscription) for it and I can’t find a good
HTML editor for OS X for a lower price.
I take it that doesn't do what you are looking for ?

You might want to look at BlueGriffon :


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