2014-04-16 18:45 GMT+02:00 Tom Davies <tomcecf@gmail.com>:
Hi :)
I agree. It is more of an issue now the start screen is so much nicer
looking and more useful. Posting a feature-request through the bug-report
system would be fantastic. Ideally with someone who feels fairly strongly
about it rather than someone good at coding. David, are you up for it?
Regards from
Tom :)
On 16 April 2014 13:57, dollyp <david@lochnevis.com> wrote:
Thanks for your responses. I think that LO is missing a trick on not
the possibility of accessing their start screen.
Tom, David, if I open a document in Writer, and it is the only such
document open in LO, and then close it with the *lower* of the two crosses
displayed at the far right, the LO start screen is displayed
automatically. The problem is that this behaviour is not entirely intuitive
; for example, if I first open a new empty document and then retrieve the
one which I'd like to edit by clicking the «Archive» icon in the toolbar,
that lower cross is no longer displayed with the document, and the latter
must now be closed by clicking the upper cross, which is the only one shown
on the screen - and which takes me back to the preceding, empty, document
(after which I can return to the LO start screen by clicking the lower
cross, which is now displayed). However, if I start from the LO start
screen and retrieve a recently used document by clicking its miniature
there, then both crosses *are* displayed with the document and closing it
by clicking the lower one returns me to the start screen. I suspect users
would find a lower cross which is always displayed and always closes the
document displayed and takes one back to the LO start screen, while the
upper cross is reserved for closing LO as a whole, more intuitive and
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Getting back to the Start screen (continued)
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