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Le 05/04/2017 à 21:55, Tom Davies a écrit :

SQLite can be used as a back-end for Base,

It can, but:

- it isn't used by default, nor is it likely to become more prevalent in
the foreseeable future because ;

- the LO code that handles database driver support and the built-in SQL
parser would require an extensive rewrite/extension in order to support
SQLite - the main problem with SQLite in relation to its use in LO is
its lack of strong data typing - many data types are stored as strings
in SQLite, which doesn't bode well when trying to determine whether the
string is a date, a timestamp, a large number, or some other kind of
information that might be able to be represented in one of the various
flavours of the SQL standard - in other words the type would have to be
"magically" inferred or intepreted by LO, and this functionality is not
currently available (nor is it planned).


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