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Hi John,

> That sounds fine -- a needed function (though it is new in LO 7, isn't it?).
Yes and No, this Character Style is called "Default" in older 
LibreOffice versions.
The "Default Paragraph Style" is sort of the mother of all paragraph 
styles, IMHO it should not be used, but "Text Body" instead.
Unfortunately, I did not understand your last paragraph (sorry). Why vs?

Here is some more, I hope, helpful information:

Best Regards

Am 02.10.2022 um 07:06 schrieb John Kaufmann:
Discussing Character styles, the Help says of the particular style "No Character Style" that:
No Character Style is actually the set of character properties of the current paragraph style. Choose No Character Style to reset the character properties of the selection to those of the paragraph style.
That sounds fine -- a needed function (though it is new in LO 7, isn't 
it?).  But then how does that differ from the particular style 
"Default Paragraph Style" (about which the Help is silent)? Is not the 
Default Paragraph Style already set by the current Paragraph style?  
What does it mean to designate a Character style as "Default Paragraph 
Finally: though "- None -" is not among the pre-defined Character 
styles, it is among the parent choices when defining a new Character 
style.  How does the behavior of a Character style change when 
"Inherit from" is set to "Default Paragraph Font" vs "No Character 
Style" vs "- None -"? [I have not detected a difference.]

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