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On 6/5/2022 6:54 AM, Michael H wrote:
Are you sure it isn't somewhere else?  I.e. the input to the actual round
step from the vb and the LO function?  LO automatically shortens numbers
and rounds them as it does so... so a that shows 12.15 may actually contain
12.14999999 or 12.1500001
This whole discussion reminds me of a problem I had some 30+ years ago 
when I was the treasurer for my children's preschool. Every week, when I 
prepared the paychecks, one of them kept coming out one penny short. At 
the time, I used an old DOS spreadsheet to calculate the paycheck, and I 
had created a long complex formula to compute the paychecks.
At one point in the computation, the computer had to divide 28 by 7. Now 
every third grader knows that 28 divided by 7 equals 4, but for some 
reason, my spreadsheet formula gave a result of 3.9999999999, and that 
answer, when combined with other steps in the computation, resulted in a 
paycheck one cent short. A computer friend of mine said that my program 
was being more precise, but in my simplistic brain, I couldn't see how a 
wrong answer was more precise than a correct answer.
Oddly enough, when I switched to a Basic program on my antique Tandy 
Model 100 laptop, I got the correct answer and all was right with the 

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