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Hi Steve, et al,

On 2022/08/09 23:05, Steve Edmonds wrote:
Further to Johnny's question, how is the CSV delimited. Do you just have commas between values or are some values also quoted in " ".
There are no " "'s, all comma separated.

When I import a simple CSV using Sheet>Insert sheet from file I can set the simple date column as type date at import and using the MAXIFS solution proposed by Michael [ in my test =MAXIFS($C$2:$C$18,$B$2:$B$18,">="&G2,$B2:$B$18,"<"&(G2+1)) ] works well in a test.
Steve, As a courtesy I have sent you a month's worth of data in a csv 
file downloaded from my Ambient Weather station cloud account. Try it, 
as by no means is it a simple one especially when all you want is the 
rainfall on each of the days of the month. into Base
My understanding is that VLOOKUP only returns 1 value, rather than a vector from which to determine a date.
I believe what I need to accomplish cannot be done with VLOOKUP and that 
a combination of INDEX(MATCH()) is a better solution especially given 
that the RAW Data file import is going to grow approximately 1MB per 
month, despite being just .csv type.
Moving on from this means that the whole file should preferably be 
manipulated in Base.
Sorry for wasting everyone's time, Base questions coming soon 0:)


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