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Hi Tom

Tom wrote
It's in the "Repair" or "Modify" option.  It's another reason why it's
good to hang on to installers although i think that is generally good
advice for any software you install on Windows.  It can sometimes be a
good idea in Gnu&Linux and probably the rest too.  

I've just had a bit of trouble uninstalling a few odd things from a
Windows box but reinstalling fixed the programs problems and then it was
easier to uninstall.  A bit mad but not hugely unusual.  Err, i did have
to resort to revo-uninstaller too but that was for other cr@#$£
I know that. But I consider that a workaround (not a solution) for
knowledgeable IT people. In fact that requires Admin privileges.

What I am requesting is a feature for any user ;)

File association is at the User level. One user might prefer LO and another
AOO or even MSO :)


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