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Hi John,

John LeMoyne Castle píše v Út 07. 06. 2011 v 08:15 -0700:

I have seen what Korrawit reports in the WikiHelp: one can search for
"Automatic Update" or "Improvement Program" and one finds the obsolete help
pages describing functionality that doesn't exist.  These pages link back to site where the user *may* get frustrated by failure to find these
functions in LibO.  Admittedly fairly minor problem, but compounded with
broken redirects and internationalization in the WikiHelp.  
Of course, in case there is some serious problem leading to confused
users, I can trigger an update of the wikihelp, no problem with that :-)

So - in case you find something serious, and it gets fixed in the 3.4
translations, or even the help itself, just let me know.



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