On Monday 17 of February 2020, Luboš Luňák wrote:
On Monday 17 of February 2020, Jan-Marek Glogowski wrote:
"Ideally, also install gyp and ninja and put them on your path. This is
recommended, as the build is faster and more reliable."
I had the impression, that just the gyp and ninja build supports
parallel build currently.
I've tried it, and yes, it builds so much faster. On Linux it's easy, on
Windows it seems to require something called MozillaBuild, which is an .exe
installer of all kinds of Unix tools. I've eventually managed to get nss to
build with gyp+ninja even on Windows with this, but I'll need to look more
into it to get it to build with gbuild. Still, I think this is the way to
FWIW, this is now in gerrit as https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/90115
and the follow-up patches. It currently doesn't build in Jenkins, as it is
still pending on buildbots getting updated to the latest LODE.
Luboš Luňák
- Re: Tracing where build time is spent (continued)
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