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Hello Sophie, *,
On Mo, 22. Dezember 2014 17:02 Sophie wrote:
Le 22/12/2014 16:47, Thomas Hackert a écrit :
On Mo, 22. Dezember 2014 16:09 Cor Nouws wrote:
Thomas Hackert wrote on 22-12-14 15:57:

By pressing the Down arrow button on the right of a style name,
you show pop-up menu that allows to update style from selection
or to edit style.

You reach this arrow button from the style names in the Style
dropdown in the Formatting tool bar.
but should the text above not extended to "By pressing the Down
arrow button on the right of the style name in the Formatting
toolbar, a pop-up menu opens, that allows you to update styles
from your selection or to edit this style." (or something like
This is the help part for the Apply style area so I don't think
that more information is needed, it will appear in the context of
the Formatting toolbar > Apply Style paragraph of the help.
ah, O.K. Thanks again for your explanation :)
Have a nice afternoon

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