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Am 06.03.2015 um 09:08 schrieb Alex Thurgood:
Le 04/03/2015 10:59, hw a écrit :


In a future step, I would like to integrate graphics into the
spreadsheet which could be created by a perl script with gnuplot from
data in the database; the images could reside in a directory and rows in
the database would have a field referring to the file name of the image.

If you are going to use Perl to manipulate graphic objects to insert
into a Calc document, why not use Perl for everything, including
querying your db, outputting your data in the desired format, and
inserting that array of data into a Perl-created/manipulated Calc file ?

Look at the following Perl modules :
Creating LO documents directly would be nice and might have the 
advantage to be able to specify some formatting --- which I might need 
to do sooner or later.  Unfortunately, it seems to be rather tedious, 
and it's only one way just like CSV.
Perhaps I could use some sort of overlay showing data from a table as a 
spreadsheet which lets the user edit only some of the fields.  Some of 
the content would need to be filled in "on the fly" from somewhere else 
because the perl script writes data and forumals into the CSV that 
aren't in the database. --- Or I'd have to create yet another table 
instead of the CSV.

Some experimentation is required at this point ... Thank you for all the replies so far!
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