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2012/1/1 Johnny Rosenberg <>:
2012/1/1 Jay Lozier <>:

Please advise which LO version you are using and your OS. This will help us
determine if the problem is a know issue with a specific version of LO or
with a particular OS.

For your problem, I was able to replicate the behavior in LO 3.4.4 and try
the following:




I am validating that the data is actually a number (isnumber(cell) = true)
and using either the value in the cell if true or 0 if it is not a number.
Without redesigning your entire spreadsheet this may be the simplest way to
fix your problem.
Or just replace every ”Cell reference” with ”N(Cell reference)” (for
instance ”A1” → ”N(A1)”), whenever there is a chance that there is
text in it. This is not needed for SUM if it is implemented correctly.
”=SUM(E4+D5)” doesn't make much sense to me. Should be the same as
”=E4+D5”. ”;” is the parameter delimiter in LibreOffice Calc cell
functions, not ”+”:
”=SUM(E4;D5)” does the same thing as the abovem and it gives no error
message when one or both of the cells contains a text string.

If you want to sum things without the SUM() function, you need to make
sure that no text cells are included OR you need to treat them as 0.
This can easily be done with the N() function:
”=N(E4)+N(D5)” and ”=SUM(N(E4)+N(D5))” both does the same thing and
both of them works no matter if cells contain text or numerical data.
However, the last example is a bit necessary,
Sorry for that typo. I meant ”unnecessary”, fo course.

since ”=SUM(E4;D5)”
works perfectly without the N() function.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg
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