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Hello Mike,

please suggest some material to improve as I don't know the priorities of the Marketing Team. Collateral material (presentations, templates, PRs, etc..) or blog posts will be ok for me.
You choose and I'll be glad to help.


Il 03/01/2020 10:18, Mike Saunders ha scritto:
Hi Giuseppe,

On 03/01/2020 09:56, Giuseppe Figliè wrote:
I'm Giuseppe from Viareggio, Italy.
Nice to meet you -- welcome to our project and community!

I've just joined the mailing list as I'd like to help you to improve the
marking collaterals of Libre Office.
That's great, thanks! We have a lot of materials here, including
presentations, flyers, sticker designs and more:

If you'd like to improve any of those, or propose new materials, that'd
be great! We also create graphics for our social media channels, and
videos for our YouTube channel:

In addition, we do a lot of marketing via the blog:

See if there's anything that takes your interest :-) And just give me a
shout if you have any questions / ideas!

Marketing & PR, The Document Foundation

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