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Hi Thorsten,

Regarding git, of course I 100% agree. Who can set up a repo at ?

Regarding the artwork, well, the orginal format is... Photoshop  (let the
trolls rain! ;-) )
It uses Smart Objects, and there is no equivalent in the OS tools I know:
we might have something similar in Gimp when GEGL gains some maturity, but
at the moment, but quite still far behind.
I tried to get equivalent stuff with inkscape,but quickly went into
limitation like
Anyway, I tried exporting hoping that Gimp would at least get the different
layers, but it won't just open the file: so I don't know what we can more
than the separate images we already have.
If you know a more successfull way for conversion, please let me know.


2013/3/4 Thorsten Behrens <>

Camille Moulin wrote:
@Florian or anyone who can put stuff in prod, here is the list of
the files that have been modified

Hi Camille, all,

first off, thanks a lot for all your efforts here! May I echo Goran's
suggestion to put this into git? That would e.g. avoid listing updated
files manually each time etc. Also, for making life easier to all
involved to tweak and improve things (and, as I hear, also to create
derived marketing materials), would it be possible to get original
artwork (I presume some sort of vector format you use internally) as


-- Thorsten

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