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On 2/11/11 9:42 AM, Thomas Krumbein wrote:

additional we do have some flags and banners "LibO" and pins (TDF).
Then we will have hats (baseball-caps with LibO Logo) and the t-shirts
form FOSDEM.
Hi Thomas, the US Marketing team has just produced a nice document for 
SCALE which might be useful for CeBIT as well, as it is in English. I 
will send you the link to the document as soon as Marc is loading it on 
the wiki.
What about sending out a press release to the international press about 
"meeting TDF and LibreOffice"? I was planning a SCALE media alert, but 
if we add CeBIT it is going to be a stronger message.
SCALE is at the end of February, and CeBIT in early March, so one text 
might cover both shows.
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