On 22/12/10 22:02, Cor Nouws wrote:
I do not so much believe in the old WP-style of 'reveal formatting'
since I know OOo.
As a style addict, and knowing where to find Ctrl-M, it's easy to
tackle most...
Said that, indeed a (new style) pop-up to show
- para style
- char. style
- direct (hard) formatting
would be useful, at least for many users.
"Since I know OOo".
That is a MAJOR point. One of my biggest problems with Word (and Writer,
but less so) is "what the hell happened!?"
Given *someone* *else* screwing up, with WordPerfect and Reveal Codes,
it takes me moments to find out what happened, and not much longer to
fix it. That's even when they've managed to use WordPerfect in ways I
know nothing about.
The whole point of Reveal Codes, is it tells me *what* WP is doing,
*and* *why*. I have major problems doing that in Word. I haven't used
Writer enough to come to that conclusion, but I find Word and Writer far
too similar for comfort ... at least Writer is less inclined ime to "do
its own thing".
- [Libreoffice] sw: numbering misbehaviour (continued)
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