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On 02/06/2011 10:29 AM, drew wrote:
On Sun, 2011-02-06 at 10:16 -0700, Jeff Chimene wrote:

There is a good place in Tucson. I've used them several times in the
past. They have a 5 day lead time. I see that we have a 6' table. I'd
recommend a 5' sign, at whatever height maintains the correct aspect
ratio for whatever logo we're allowed to use.
Well, I'll just ask - would you be willing to donate a banner for use at
upcoming events - Andy Brown did so last year for OO.o (it was a light
mylar - I still have it actually, in fact I _will_ drop an email to
Louis at OO.o and see if they have a use for it, it's still quite
I must be missing something - doesn't it say "OpenOffice"?

 5 ft long - that banner was used at 3 different US events and
one for LibO would be used the same - it can be part of a "care package"
that we would send to the folks setting up the next event. I think the
cost was under $50.
If it's < $50 I can do it. A banner that lasts will be at least 3 times
that (e.g. heavy vinyl, good grommets). I like the idea of a care
package. I've done that in the past: slap a label on the crate and
forward it on to the next event.

We will use the official logo, unaltered, for the booth - just need to
know the final dimensions
OK. Pls. send me a URL. I'm not going to guess. The image should be at
least 600 dpi, preferably 1200 dpi. They can handle images in almost any
format. If the image is no good for the banner size, they'll let me know
before committing the resources.

- The OO.o banner was  5' x 30" IIRC - and will generate a suitable PDF file for the print shop.

Also, I see that we get an Ethernet connection. I'm assuming it's
IPv4/V6 I can bring a IPV4 router.
I also see that we get two chairs. I can bring 4 more folding chairs w/
padded seats.

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