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Hi Sophie,

You seem to be everywhere i look. :)

Yes i got it to work on chromium with the clicking the button in the navigation bar, but couldnt get firefox to work. Why wiki is it on as i went to < > and there wasnt info for firefox. I think it would be good to add images of it in the wiki as well.
But ultimately i think if this is an issue with chrome/chromium and 
firefox, that some type of notification should be shown to a user who 
may not know to go to the wiki, as it didnt seem that something was 
missing from the experience when me and my friend did it.
Jay Philips

On 05/07/2014 11:26 PM, Sophie wrote:
Hi Jay,

Sorry, hit the wrong key
Le 07/05/2014 20:40, Jay Philips a écrit :
Hi Dennis and Sophie,

Well the first thing was that some browsers, like chromium and firefox,
aren't showing "similar translations" in pootle. The other suggestions
was to improve "similar translations" to appear when it isnt and also
that "similar translations".
You can activate the suggestions in Chromium by allowing non authorized
scripts in the settings or in the navigation bar, one of the icons on
the right, I think it's the same in Firefox. I've already added it to
the wiki page for translations.


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