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Hello Winfried,

On Mon, 2014-02-24 at 11:02 +0100, Winfried Donkers wrote:

I don't want to break things when trying to fix bug fdo75264 and I
a bit confused about the current ScInputHandler::UseFormulaData() 
Yeah me too.  I'll try to investigate and see if I can make any sense
of it.  Stay tuned.

In core/sc/source/ui/app/inputhdl.cxx,
ScInputHandler::GetFormulaData() I ruthlessly filled pFunctionData
from pFuncList instead from pMRUList, and that seems to work fine for
the tips. But I haven't checked for other places where pFunctionData
is used.
AFAIK pFormulaData (I assume you mean pFormulaData when you said
pFunctionData) is used only for formula tips during typing inside a
cell.  And it's not clear to me why we even populate pFormulaData from
pMRUList as it seems redundant and unnecessary.  One theory could be
that pFormulaData, which is now an associative container with O(log n)
lookup time, used to be an array container with O(n) lookup time and we
tried to put the most recent functions at the top.. (or something along
that line)  But I'm not sure 100%.

I for one would be okay with skipping this pMRUList.  I don't think we
need to do that anymore.

BTW, confusing that pMRUList and nMRUCount come from
GetLRUFuncList(Count) with the LRU to MRU change...
No idea about why we have MRU and LRU used interchangeably either.  But
I believe both refer to the "recently used function" list.



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