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+1 to all of these.


Sgrìobh Yury Tarasievich na leanas 17/10/2017 aig 08:39:
Some thoughts for guys capable of implementing. Of course, I have no idea whether any of these are feasible.
So, change in English string (tEh original) brings some checks with 
the previous value:
1) capitalisation changed? set flag 1
2) shortcut markup changed (like _ to &)? set flag 2
3) typography changed (like ... to …)? set flag 3
4) something else which nobody in the world *needs* to react to?

Then, the flags for the strings are checked against the matrix of 'action values' for those flags and languages.
Just sketching:
'ru', caps=no_reaction, shortcut=autochange (change just the marker in the translated), typography=autochange (no error if there's no corresponding), words_changed=react (!)
No 'criticality' in the matrix means the new original is set with the 
'NONCRITICAL' (not FUZZY!) flag (needs to be implemented, at least in 
the online l10n system?). The team would wish to see and check those 
changes, after all.
And even one 'criticality' sets the FUZZY flag, etc.


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