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Hi Christoph,

2010/10/30 Christoph Noack <>

Hi Ivan, Mirek, all!

I really would like to overcome my previous "telegram" style messages
and to focus on topics like that I'm very much interested in. Sadly,
time is still very limited, so (a bit late) a big thank you to all who
invest a lot of time to shape these ideas (some of these are great, e.g.
the "page is an object" idea).

Back to the splash screen ...

Am Freitag, den 29.10.2010, 19:50 +1300 schrieb Ivan M.:
Hi Mirek,

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 5:42 AM, Mirek M. <> wrote:
Hi everyone,
Here's my proposal on how to replace the splash screen:
It's fantastic to see your creativity being unleashed here. I really
hope we can see some of these ideas in LibreOffice in the near future.
The start centre and splash screen are topics that I'm really
interested in, especially since Christoph put forward a hybrid
proposal on the OOo wiki page he just mentioned.
Aehm, do you mean this one?

I really like the way your Welcome Center is organized. It'd be nice to have
all these non-editing windows have the same uniform chrome.

The Start Center would lose the standard chrome of LibO and stand as a
lightweight application that opens while LibO loads, removing the need
for a
splash screen.
For individual applications (where the Start Center is skipped over),
would be an undistracting notification that the app is opening.
The *perceived* speed of startup is something that should really be
considered by the designers here.

I wonder if a similar analysis could be done with LibreOffice to
identify design strategies that enhance the user experience (felt
experience) of LibreOffice's start up.
Maybe serving as a starting point: There has been (much) work that has
been done within OOo already. There is a dedicated project for improving
the performance. For example, "we" (UX) did a survey to identify general
problems concerning speed. And Frank worked on something called "User
Experience Index" to rate "perceived" speed of the software.

The project can be found here:

I have some ideas how this could be linked with automated testing to
check perceived speed/slowness ... but maybe later :-)

Mirek, you've put forward some
great ideas and possible solutions, but I think we should analyse the
problem in more depth first (if you have any data or did any research
on this, please share it with us).
Again, a starting point? Along with my "Welcome Center 2010" idea, there
has been some thinking on how the next StartCenter in OOo should be
revised. Frank (the same person, UX team) collected information on the
start-up process. (Oh, I see in the wiki page versioning that Mirek
already helped with that ... cool!)

So I wonder whether there is some interest to form some kind of interest
group or even a dedicated UX team. At least, there might be better
places than [tdf-discuss] ... or?


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